Course content

    1. Introduction to Extended course

    2. Extended Course Objectives

    1. Module 1 Objectives

    2. Unit 1: What does a whole school approach mean in practice?

    3. Unit 2: Involving families in your whole school approach

    4. Summary Notes: Taking a whole school approach

    5. Food Lessons checklist

    6. Template letters for parents and carers

    7. Module 1 Quiz

    1. Module 2 Objectives

    2. Unit 1: How to get the best from your Allergy and Anaphylaxis Policy

    3. Unit 2: Individual Healthcare Plans and Allergy Action Plans

    4. Unit 3: How to share pupil information

    5. Summary Notes: Communicate Clearly

    6. Template Allergy & Anaphylaxis Policy

    7. Module 2 Quiz

    1. Module 3 Objectives

    2. Unit 1: Why you need a Designated Allergy Lead

    3. Unit 2: Reducing risk at mealtimes

    4. Unit 3: Why schools should be allergen aware, not "nut-free"

    5. Unit 4: How to ensure trips are safe and inclusive

    6. Summary notes: Clear governance and risk management

    7. Checklist: School trips

    8. Module 3 Quiz

    1. Module 4 Objectives

    2. Unit 1: Being prepared for an allergic reaction incident

    3. Unit 2: Managing adrenaline pens and "spare pens"

    4. Unit 3: FAQs on spare adrenaline pens

    5. Unit 4: Template letter to buy spare adrenaline pens

    6. Unit 5: Rehearsing your emergency response and anaphylaxis drill

    7. Unit 6: How to draw up an emergency response plan for anaphylaxis

    8. Unit 7: Anaphylaxis drill Scenario

    9. Summary notes: Readiness to respond

    10. Module 4 Quiz

    1. Thank you, feedback and further resources

    2. End of course feedback

    3. Your free, ongoing support from The Allergy Team

About this course

  • Lead on allergies with confidence
  • Keep pupils safer
  • Transform whole-school awareness

More support from The Allergy Team

Sign up to our Schools Newsletter for allergy news, tips and events.

Our support doesn't stop when you've completed our course. Sign up to our Schools Newsletter which is packed with tips to help you keep pupils safe and details of the events we run for staff.

Expert Q&As and school events

Your allergy questions answered by experts.

From guidelines around using spare adrenaline pens and getting back to school ready, to understanding GDPR and planning trips our Q&As are the perfect opportunity to ask a team your questions about managing allergy and anaphylaxis in school. We also hold online drop-in sessions every half term.
Close up images of three people on a screen taking part in Q&A